Create an Event

Add your event to The Rocket’s calendar.

Reach Seattle-Tacoma area fans

Reach your target audience of Seattle-Tacoma area fans without getting lost in a large number of unrelated events.

Create a detailed event listing

Our event listings allow you to create a detailed event page with automatically generated links to artist pages (when available).

Event listings are 100% free

The pandemic has been hard on local entertainment venues. Market your events on The Rocket without spending a single cent.

Accepted Event Types

  • Concerts & Music Events

  • Exhibitions & Art Shows

  • Comedy

  • Festivals

  • Performances & Theater

  • Film

Not Accepted
The Rocket does not publish the following types of events: protests/counter-protests, political events, social justice events, labor events, retail events (with the exception of artist in-store appearances), fundraisers (unless of particular interest of our readership), or any event that The Rocket staff deems not appropriate for our site.

Create an Event Now

The event must take place in Western or Central Washington State. You must be an authorized representative of the event, such as the event promoter, venue, artist, etc. In the event of duplicate event submissions, the promoter’s listing or the venue’s listing will take precedence. Event listings are subject to approval by The Rocket staff before they will appear on the site.

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