Cannabis lovers rejoice! The results of a recent survey by Real Estate Witch and Leafly have just been released, and the verdict is in: Seattle is one of the top 5 cities for weed in America! The survey analyzed various criteria, including the legality of weed, dispensary data, and weed prices, to rank the best and worst cities for cannabis in 2023.

Portland came out on top with the most affordable cannabis prices in the country, with a high-quality ounce costing just $210, 34% less than the national average of $316. In addition to that, Portland boasts nearly 4.5x more dispensaries than the average city, with 13.7 per 100,000 residents. Oklahoma City may have the most dispensaries, with a whopping 48.7 per 100,000 residents, but Portland takes the cake for the most affordable and accessible cannabis scene.

Coming in at number two on the list is Denver, Colorado, one of the OG weed cities in the U.S. Denver legalized recreational cannabis in 2012, along with Seattle, making it one of the first states to do so. Denver has the second-most dispensaries per capita, with 11.3 per 100,000 residents. Plus, Denver is home to some of the most popular cannabis strains in the world.

Speaking of Seattle, the Emerald City takes fourth place on the list, behind Buffalo, NY. Although Seattle may be below Denver on the list, it certainly has a thriving cannabis scene. Seattle has 56% more dispensaries than the average city, with 4.8 per 100,000 residents, making it one of the most accessible cities for cannabis in the country. Seattle also has the second-cheapest rates for medium-quality cannabis behind only Portland, with an ounce costing $201.

Seattle’s place on the list is a testament to Washington State’s progressive approach to cannabis legalization. Washington State legalized recreational cannabis in 2012, and Seattle has been one of the OG weed cities in the U.S. ever since. Although Seattle may not be as well-known for its cannabis scene as Denver, it certainly holds its own as one of the best cities for weed in America.

Now, for the bad news. The survey also ranked the worst cities for cannabis, and Birmingham, Alabama came in dead last. Due to restrictive state laws, Birmingham has just 0.5 dispensaries per 100,000 residents, 84% less than average. On top of that, high-quality marijuana costs 8% more than average, making it one of the least accessible and most expensive cities for cannabis in America.

Other cities that made the worst list include Memphis, Tennessee, Louisville, Kentucky, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Indianapolis, Indiana, Nashville, Tennessee, Charlotte, North Carolina, Houston, Texas, Atlanta, Georgia, and San Antonio, Texas.

So, there you have it, folks, the best and worst cities for cannabis in 2023. Whether you’re a seasoned smoker or just starting out, these rankings are sure to come in handy when planning your next weed-filled adventure. And for those of you in Seattle, rest assured that you’re living in one of the best cities for weed in America. Smoke on, Seattle!